Now that my Fedora install is upgraded to FC4 I decided to give iFolder a shot. It's actually "fairly" easy to install, but I ran into a couple of snags trying to get it configured and running.
Installation on Fedora is simplest if you use Yum. To do this you need to add repositories for mono and iFolder. Here is a super fast way to get the repositories setup:
For Mono:
cp mono.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
For iFolder:
cp iFolderServer-Fedora.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
Now the repositories are setup, you should execute yum upgrade to update your repository lists.
To install now is a piece of cake:
yum install ifolder3-server
Yum rules! If you are familiar with Apt-Get you will appreciate Yum. It will download and install all the messing around with tar balls for me!
So now iFolder is installed but it needs to be configured. I read through this wiki page to get some details on configuring iFolder...
First step for configuration you need to create two working directories that iFolder uses for configuration/data and set apache as the owner of these directories.
mkdir /var/www/.config
chown -R apache.apache /var/www/.config
mkdir /var/lib/simias
chown -R apache.apache /var/lib/simias
I decided to not use the Standalone mode for iFolder and instead I am running iFolder behind Apache. By default iFolder will register the URL aliases /ifolder and /admin for the web interface and web admin interface. I think /admin is a really crummy choice since it's bound to conflict with other web applications that also use the URL alias /admin. In my case, Drupal conflicted with iFolder so I had to change one of them. iFolder looked easier to change so I changed it's alias to /iadmin by editing /etc/http/conf.d/ifolder_admin.conf to look like this:
Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/mod_mono.conf
Alias /iadmin "/usr/lib/simias/admin"
AddMonoApplications iadmin "/iadmin:/usr/lib/simias/admin"
<Location /iadmin >
MonoSetServerAlias iadmin
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AddHandler mono asax aspx ascx asmx ashx
DirectoryIndex Default.aspx index.html
Note that I just changed admin to iadmin everywhere it was referred to.
I also disabled SELinux since iFolder does not currently work with it enabled. I will eventually see if I can figure out how to get them to play nice together.
iFolder's comments on SELinux:
Since the iFolder team has limited exposure with SELinux, we haven't had time to research what SELinux configuration changes are required to get the iFolder server to work properly in an SELinux environment. For the time being this means you will need to disable SELinux to get iFolder Server to work. If anyone from the community is familiar with SELinux, please feel free to modify this how-to with the necessary steps.
The default password for the admin account is "simias" and there is no easy way to change passwords that I could find. However, you can edit /etc/simias/bill/Simias.config and change the password stored in that file. In order for the password change to take effect you need clear out the current configuration information using:
rm -rf /var/lib/simias/*
Then reboot your machine. This will ensure that all processes are cleaned up and the configuration files are regenerated with the correct admin password. Fun eh? Best to change that password right away as you will lose *all* configuration information just to change the bloody password. DON'T CREATE A FOLDER STRUCTURE FIRST BECAUSE IT WILL ALL BE LOST!
Okay now that you have done all that you should be good to go....well almost. I tried logging into the admin interface and I kept getting an error message like this:
System.DllNotFoundException: /usr/lib/simias/ewb/bin/
I tried recreating symbolic links, changing ownership of files, permissions, everything but it wouldn't go away. Then I got smart and decided to search the bugzilla database for iFolder and voila! I found a bug report that gave me a solution:
Basically the ifolder3-server process is dynamically linking in libFlaim instead of having it statically linked. The rpm files forgot to execute ldconfig after installation. To fix the issue run ldconfig as root and the problem will be gone.
Now I have a functioning iFolder. So far it looks pretty cool. I setup a user and created a few folders on the server. I'm now installing the client software on my iBook and my Windows box and going to do some tests with the synchronization features.
I'll keep you posted.